Where did babies use to sleep in the past؟
the babies sleep with he mather
It is funny as I read over the other parent's comments that all the babies started waking up around 6 months. This is when my son began waking up at night also. He had been sleeping through the night routinely until then. Now he is up about 3 times a night and the only thing that gets him back to sleep is nursing him. Here is what I have learned and am trying to implement in my life! Around 6 months two things happen with babies. First, they begin teething, second, they get more mobile. Obviousy, teething is painful and they desire to be comforted, so waking up wanting mom or dad is not uncommon. Try giving your little one some Infant Tylenol or Motrin, there is also a great all natural tablet made by Hylands that works very well for teething pain. Also, because they are more mobile the need extra calories. Try feeding more often during the day and begin solids if possible. Another idea is to stretch out the time between night time feedings. This takes patience and consistence. If your baby routinely wakes up at 11, 2, and 5 (for example), feed her/him at 11 and then when they wake again try to rock, walk, bounce, etc to get them back to sleep. If after 15 mins or so this has not work, reassess and perhaps feed. The goal is to stretch it out by 15 mins each time until the 2 am feeding dissolves into the 5 am feeding. This is clearly not the easy way to go at 2 am when you are tired and baby is tired but I am assured it works without all the stress of crying it out! After awhile you phase out all the night time feedings, much the same as you would wean a baby from breast or bottle to milk and cup. Hang in there! This is temporary!
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